Record education spending and slower charter growth
New report confirms what we have been saying: NY is #1 in education spending, but has mediocre results for kids and low school choice
I am catching up with the news and work - our family survived the Norovirus last week. It was brutal but I think my kids have a new appreciation for the importance of washing hands :)
I have a new article at the Flypaper blog about the slower growth of charter schools in NY.
Please send me your questions and comments!
Citizens Budget Commission new report on NY education spending
The NY Post had a cover story on the new Citizens Budget Commission report by Stevan Markus on what you already know if you read this newsletter: NY spends a lot of money on education and has mediocre results for kids.
It is worth reading the entire report which has some shocking graphs on the growth of NY education spending:
Fewer students but more public school staff
If you don’t understand how it is possible that our public schools spend so much money with little results, read this story by Chad Aldelman: Public Schools Added 121,000 Employees Last Year, Even as They Served 110,000 Fewer Students
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